There's a new world comin'. and it's just around the bend.
There's a new world comin', this one's comin' to an end.
There's a new voice callin', you can hear it if you try.
And its growin' stronger with each day that passes by.
There's a brand new mornin', rising clear and sweet and free.
There's a new day dawnin', that belongs to you and me.
Yes, a new world's comin', the one we've had visions of

It’s the end of an era. The ‘10’s were intense. Still are but their serious change on the horizon. Where will 2020 take us in our marketing communications? Digital marketing will forever reign with content, SEO, conversions, UX, and AI however, we can’t lose sight of traditional marketing strategies and tactics. I hate to say back to basics, it’s pure hyperbole but my mission to maintain strong marketing principles remains. Yes there is a New World Coming as Nina Simone so eloquently sang and we will embrace it with courage and grace. Below is a list of some new things that will blossom larger and how they need to be integrated into conventional marketing precedents.

Customer/Client Focus - Even the best marketing plan can miss a few beats when it comes to defining a target market. Yes, we attach personas, numbers, attitudes, and attributes to whom we want to attract. In 2020, you’ll need to capture more than those details. Conversations, beliefs, values, and experiences will be the true litmus test. Revise the customer journey to include what people are talking about. Do you know what people are talking about and how it relates to what you offer? In business and in consumer marketing, this is paramount when reaching the right market. Be a part of the conversation, active listening. Go out and network, meet people, and put the phone away. Although, when collecting data, look into what AI can supply. They are listening and you should be too.

Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility - Everyone gets invited to the birthday party. And everyone gets a gift bag. Don’t leave people out because you assume they don’t need your service or product. Consider all the potential groups and people that you reach and include them. Ensure that your website is accessible to all. One way to validate what you’ve got or what your doing is the WAVE tool. A simple way to ensure accessibility for 2020 and beyond.

The Zebra is the New Unicorn - Businesses in all stages will need to look closely at the immediate case studies available to us in order to full understand why the Unicorn era is nearly over. Think about the WeWork debaucle. Is it that “cool” that the CEO gets to walk away with all the cash after seriously devaluing the company and put thousands out of work. Facebook is now under it’s greatest level of scrutiny by its’ users. There is literally no trust as they are allowing dishonest ad campaigns to decorate user's pages. Just this week, the CEO at Away stepped down after acting like a giant jerk. At one point in time, someone with a lot of money told these people that they were amazing and here to save the world because of their unique gifts. That’s over, the Zebras are here. Zebras look for solutions. Zebras invite everybody to the birthday party. They are not mystical illusions and demigogs. They are a real animal that actually roam the planet and have lots of friends. They are sustainable, win-win oriented, and share.

Sharing Is Caring - Your going to have to give more. It will not be a question of if or should we. You will need to give more than you ever have to others. Our economy is changing, more homeless than ever before, people losing their ability to healthcare access, real job growth that pays an actual livable salary. Collectively, we will all have to give more of our selves, resources, skills, and attention to everyone in our networks and communities. Establish a giving program into your overall business. Encourage employees, partners, vendors, and customers to give more too. Corporate social responsibility will be one of the top best moves of 2020. I can show you how and help you create the most effective plan for your business.


Are you sailing on the Sea of Sameness?


Giving Is Receiving